Car Alarms: Cant jump-start the dead battery of a 1995 Infiniti G20: car alarm, 1995 infiniti g20, infiniti g20

Dear Sir:
I bought a pre-owned '95 Infiniti G20 about a year ago that has about 122k miles in it. A SECURITY on the dashboard flashes and I hear chirps for some combination of car-stops and door-openings. Yesterday, I didn't notice this SECURITY flashes and chirps when I left my car on a rainy condition, and when I came back about 9 hours later, the was dead. When I tried to jump start the car, I heard the loud alarm with flashing headlights, and the high-beam LED was also flashing on the dashboard. I guess the battery couldn't get charged because of this.

I would appreciate a lot any help you can provide on how to turn off the alarm.


From the explaination, I am leaning towards a charging system issue, not an alarm one. Have a mechanic
do a system check on the alternator and associated
systems. It appears that that might be why you are experiencing this cascading effect. I think you should
talk to the service department at Lexus and
If it comes back as something else, you may need
have them try resetting the alarm, But I think
this is a power issue.

Let me know.