QuestionI have a four button (not sure exactaly which model) Viper alarm installed about 4 years ago in my 1997 Caddy Seville. The remote start alarm has been working perfectly for years then all of the sudden it's dead. I trouble shot by using both of my remotes that appear to be working fine (good batteries), but still nothing from the system. The red LED within the car is not on or blinking at all. Reading your past suggestions I decided to reset the eeprom by unplugging for 15 minutes and plugging it back in. Still...dead as a door nail. I checked fuses, etc...all good.
I do remember when it stopped working though. The last thing I remember is that I was getting some papers from my glove box. There is a Caddy valet and traction control switch in the glove box, but I don't remember hitting either of them and if I did, simply press the button again and the feature is off. Although some are not so happy, I have been very satisfied with the Viper product.
Doe they just "die" at some time or is there some othe fuse, etc.. that I should be checking? There were a few loose fuse holders under the dash, all of which were good.
Many, many thanks in advance for your help.
AnswerSorry, If you did not notice, there is a link to the
you just came from. Was It not functioning?
If not, I'll double check that link right away.
In the meantime, you should take this inquiry
to the 12 volt installers forum.
Let me explain.
I am not the Viper tech in the ALARMTEK family.
My friend and collegue TWELVOLTZ is the
man on these issues.
Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:
Good luck with it.