Car Alarms: Viper Alarm, exact model number, hatch release

QUESTION: I recently bought a 96 firebird which has a viper alarm installed. I have the DEI 2 button with green LED remote. The 'I' button sets and resets the alarm system just fine. It locks both doors, but only unlocks the drivers door. The 'II' button doesnt seem to do anything at all.
My quesyion is twofold: Can I program iy to open both doors...and can I program the 'II' button to work the hatch release?

ANSWER: If you get me the exact model number of the alarm I will see if I can locate an installation manual for you.  The manual would allow you to decipher what was installed and how to resolve the problems you are having.  This information is on the brain of the alarm itself not on the transmitter.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well...thats a perfect idea...excepy I have no clue where it is...the installer did a fabulos job of hicing the CPU.

You will have to take down the dash panel under the steering column to find the system.  That is good that you can not find it easily, if you could the system could be easily bypassed by a thief.  Doing the modifications you inquired about will require getting access to the brain.