Car Alarms: 2004 Honda Accord and Viper 790/91?, viper 790, installation forum
QuestionI have the Viper system installed, as well as the factory alarm. Occasionally we will use the wrong key and the factory alarm will go off and its always a pain to try to figure out the reverse of what we did and get it to stop. Is there a way to FULLY disable the factory alarm? Thanks!
AnswerNot the Viper tech in the ALARMTEK family.
My friend and collegue TWELVOLTZ is the
man on these issues.
Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:
His handle is TWELVOLTZ
and he will be able to
help if he get's to read your
inquiry on that site.
Good luck with it.