QuestionQUESTION: My Yukon's alarm tripped the other day so i shut it off with the factory remote and then i tried starting it but wouldnt start.I got it scanned and got code 1626 "anti theft system fuel enabled".There's a Compustar auto security thing on it.Is there anywhere i should be looking or anything i could cut or unplug so that i could atleast start it up.
first it was my remote just stopped working one day then i took it to the shop and they said it was loose or something under the dash.My remote would start the truck but would stop right away just like its doing now. oh remote start just went out again.
please help me
ANSWER: The shop that installed your system should be taking a look at this for you. The 03 Yukon requires a data module to interface with the door locking system and the passlock II bypass. This sounds to me as if the bypass might be acting up. The bypass would be a small black box mounted somewhere in the driver's dash area. It would have a purple wire coming from it that is tapped into Pin 2 of your OBDII connector, follow this wire back to the little box and disconnect the box to see if it is causing your no start condition.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I tried disconnecting the Data interface module and it still didn't start.there's a little button and a red light, that comes on if i disconect it while pressing that little button, on that small box ,what is that for?
I tried the key in the run position for 10 mins thing but that didn't work.
I'm starting to regret buying that truck, Had a choice between that and 2003 F-150 4X4 but the wife wanted that high tech truck.
i hope this will make it a little clearer about my problem and i hope you can help me.
Thank You
ANSWER: OK, there are a couple of possibilities here but I would need a little more information. Take a look at that data interface module again and get me the exact make and model. There are some modules that only do door locks and require a separate interface for passlock bypass. From the description of your problem this may be the situation you are in.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I tried plugging the data harness while pressing the button and held it til it started flashing and then let it go. I waited for about an hour but it still kept flashing.
There's a compustar module thing under there too.
the GM-SL has only 9 wires plugged in on one side and the other side has none.
The compustar security system module has a button like the GM-SL but no red light.
Thank You
AnswerOK, that module bypasses via that OBDII wire so disconnecting it should completely eliminate that as being your problem with the truck.
Try this if you have not yet...With the module disconnected and the alarm disarmed, turn the key in the ignition switch to the run position and leave it there for 10 full minutes. This should make the Passlock system in the truck reset and allow you to start the vehicle with a key. Once that is done, go to and grab the installation manual for your GM-SL. The installation manual shows how to reprogram the bypass to your truck and should allow the RS to operate again.