Car Alarms: Viper 690XV alarm problems, infiniti g35, viper alarm


I have a 04 Infiniti G35 manual transmission with the Viper 690xv installed on it. The other day when I went to disarm it like I usually do but the alarm doesn't disarm. I go in the house and grab my other remote and same thing. The lights flash twice and beeps like it always does but the alarm led light is still blinking and the alarm goes off when I use the key to unlock the door and enter. The funny thing was that before, only the viper siren went off but this time around, the factory horn alarm was going off as well. I didn't know about using the valet switch to disarm it so I unplugged the alarm brain. When I plugged it back in, I could arm and disarm the alarm just like before but now, my trunk won't open both from the remote and from the car trunk release button as well as the doors won't lock and unlock from the remote or from the car's lock/unlock switch. Lastly, the passenger side window won't roll up or down at all now. When arming the viper alarm, the remote will indicate something is wrong with the trunk by blinking on the remote screen.  Is this an issue with the viper alarm or factory alarm or maybe even the vehicle wiring itself.  Any ideas? Thanks for your professional support!  

From your description, there is a cascade problem electrically.
The window part tells me that there might
be a damaged circuit, or popped fuse here, but
I'm not the Viper tech in the ALARMTEK family.

My friend and collegue TWELVOLTZ is the
man on these issues.

Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:

His handle is TWELVOLTZ
and he will be able to
help if he get's to read your
inquiry on that site.

Good luck with it.