Car Alarms: Remote Start problems with VIPER model 791XV model on a 2001 Ford Mustang!!, ford mustang, installation forum

On my 2001 Ford Mustang i have it set up where it can only be started by remote!! The reason for this because my master key,"The Installers" ,say is placed in a control module,that is how the vehicle remote starts!! My other copy i made of the master key,doesnt have a strong enough chip signal strenght to turn the car over!! So i have to remote start it then use the copy to drive on!! My problem now is that when i remote start it it seems as it wants to turn over then it kills!! I took it to a mechanic and he said the wiring was knocked loose or piniched!! He fixed and rewired it twice and i could drive a while then it does it again!!! What could this be!! I was thinking if i have the installers yank my whole alarm system out and return my master key will i be able to drive normally with just the key!!  

Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:

His handle is TWELVOLTZ
and he will be able to
help if he get's to read your
inquiry on that site.

Good luck with it.