Car Alarms: ford galaxy imobilizer, ford galaxy, key cylinder
Questionmy car key got run over i have changed batteries and the chip looks intac and fine put key back together but wont start engine how can i reset to start engine without going through ford and costing an arm and leg please help
AnswerThe chip in your key is a transponder chip and operates without batteries. It is a small electronic device that gets it's energy from radio waves emitted by the antenna ring around your key cylinder. If the vehicle is not responding to the chip in the key I would have to think that the chip is indeed broken. On the US versions of Ford's PATS system you need 2 programmed keys to add a third. That being said, I do not believe you can get around having a new key professionally programmed. You may however be able to get a locksmith to program new keys to your vehicle as some carry a device similar to what a dealer uses and what a locksmith charges is normally substantially less money than what a dealer will charge.