QuestionI think my car alarm has disabled my car. there is spark, not sure about fuel flow. 96 pontiac sunfire, after market alarm.
in past, if I left the ignition on for about 15 minutes, the car would then start, somebody told me that trick. Unfortuatly, its not working now. can you help?
AnswerOk, here's what's happening.
The 10 minute time frame is the indicator that points
to a passlock problem. 10 minutes is the magic number
that says the passlock has been put into long tamper mode,
the vehicle thinks someone is trying to start the car with
the incorrect key.
If there is no aftermarket remote start in the vehicle,
then I would suggest taking it to the dealership for repair.
If there is an aftermarket remote start, then whatever method
that was used to bypass the passlock is malfunctioning.
Now don't confuse this. The reaction you are having IS
due to the GM PASSLOCK II system being breached & activated
or, it is malfunctioning. In either case, this is
what (in this car) is troubling you. The trouble
though is that the local mechanic at
the gas station can't help here.
Sorry, but the passlock is GM's way
of getting you coming and going.
There is no outside method other then circumventing
it momentarilly to allow remote start, which won't
fix your troubles.
Nope, this is a GM issue and has to be corrected there,
or an outside shop will charge you bukoo bucks
to replace the whole VATS. (VERY PRICEY $$$$!)
Sorry wish I could be more help, but if it's
intermittent now, then it needs they're technician,
they're factory computer diagnostics to fix it.
There will be a fee involved to reset it, but much less
then replacing the entire VATS-Passlock system.
If you do find another fix, let us all know.
This is NOT uncommon. It is GM's way of keeping
it all inhouse, security wise.
Let us know what you find out.