Car Alarms: Which Alarm is the best for me, alarmtek, alarm starter

I just bought a 2006 Dodge Dakota and Im looking to get a remote start alarm. Which would be the best one to get, I dont want to spend more then 200.00...or would a regular alarm do. Also does having a alarm pager help?

Thanks for your help

There are a lot of manufacturers out there that sell products that will fit your purpose and meet your expectations.  However to fit into your prospected budget you would need to install the unit yourself and most of the higher end alarm companies do not warranty a do it yourself job.  My personal preference is DEI product, like Viper, Valet, Avital, etc but these pieces would not be warrantied to a do it yourself install.  In addition the 2-way alarm/starter combos in these brands will cost around the $500 mark w/installation.  The other 'expert' on this site ALARMTEK sells a brand manufactured by Scytek.  I would not consider these high end pieces, but I have installed several of them with out any problems at all.  The people I have installed them for are very happy with the units and most have been installed for longer than 2 years with out problems.  He warranties to a do it yourself installer as well as sending a wiring chart for your specific vehicle when you purchase from him and is very helpful through the installation process.  Check him out at