Car Alarms: Clifford Concept 50, sierra cosworth, electronics engineer

Car off road for 6 months, had 4 yrs (Sierra Cosworth), batt re connected, alarm triggers (normal) unable to reset with 2 x FOB's car seems 2b in imob mode. When alarm resets, can trigger by opening doors so that part still works. Am electronics engineer, basically req pinout 24 way connector to trace fault, however have suspicions with no response to fob's. Valet switch has not been touched at any time. Many thanks.  

Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:

His handle is TWELVOLTZ
and he will be able to
help if he get's to read your
inquiry on that site.

Good luck with it.