Car Alarms: Viper car Alarm, exact model number, viper car alarm


I have a Viper car alarm installed in my 96 Corolla. The alarm goes off while I am driving the car. It has happened to me three times today. Please help me figure out why this is happening. Thank you

There are a couple of reasons that this could happen.

1.  Check your system's ground connection, if it is loose the alarm can behave erratically.

2.  Make sure the remote did not get wet.  If the remote got wet it could cause the system to go into panic mode.  The easy test for this would be to remove the battery from the remote for a while, if it no longer goes off then the remote is your problem.

3.  Check your connections to the fused supply wires.  If the connection to the constant supply wires is faulty it could also cause the system to behave like this.

If you post the exact model number of your Viper I will see what I can do about finding a manual for your system.