Car Alarms: kia sportage, manual override, kia sportage
QuestionQUESTION: i would like to change my emobleizer and keyless keyfob
on my 1997 kia sportage as my model dose not have a code
ANSWER: I am not sure what you are referring to with the 'code reseter'. If you are saying your immobilizer does not offer any type of manual override then I would definitely recommend having the system changed to a system that has a way to override it without the original remote. Most if not all aftermarket security systems offer a switch that will allow you to disable the system as long as you have the ignition key in the run position. Do you have the exact make and model of the system that is installed in your vehicle? If you have this information I may be able to find a manual for you that would explain your system in better detail.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: giday i think i have the right box if it`s the electrnic
time & alarm module: then the make is;
mod: OKO3B67 7ROB
date on box is 12-11-02 it must have bean updeted
thank`s heaps for your help
AnswerI wish I could be of assistance. I am not at all familiar with any non-US security system. I would see if you can locate a local dealer of the brand and inquire as how to get a new keyfob. My apologies for not being of better assistance.
You could try to disable the system by uninstalling it, tracing back all of the connections and restoring them to their factory specifications. This however would render the antitheft system useless.