Car Alarms: 791XV in 2001 Ford Mustang - Engine runs for 5 seconds, then shuts off, mustang engine, ford mustang

So I had a Best Buy installer wire in my 791xv. When I activate my auto start, the engine starts fine, runs for 5-8 seconds then shuts off.  It continues to do this for the 3 start attempts before cancelling completely.

I have noticed that if I activate and deactivate the remote start about 3-4 times, it will then start and run as normal.  Even my installer has no idea what is causing this, could it be the PATS system?  

Thank you in advance for you input.


What bypass module was used?  I do not believe it is the PATS though.

Did the installer use voltage sensing or tachometer monitoring?  If the system does not know the vehicle is running it will behave as you described.  If the installer used tachometer then have him/her verify the voltage on that connection.  If he/she used voltage sensing have him/her set the menu to voltage sensing low.