Car Alarms: autopage rs-850, esp resources, autopageusa

I'm changeing the rs 850 to another brand.  I don't have the install manual for the autopage and don't have a clue how its hooked up.  I've been told that its almost exactly the same as the commando FM-870.  Can I accept this to be true?  If not do u think you could help in finding a install manual for the autopage rs-850.  thanks

Well, basically yes, but the transmitter is not the same.

Here is your alarm:

Here is Commando's 870 s which is also
the M12a from Magnadyne:

They are simular, but unlikely that the parts are
interchangeable, or the programming.

As far as you car and the wiring for that, I sell
the wiring charts for all vehicles at

It will be very handy for you for the de install
and re install process if interested in cutting
your time in half.

Have a good day.