I recently had the distributor changed on my GTI which mean't that the battery was disconnected and hence the alarm. Since that time I have had the battery discharging to the extent I cannot start the car. I am not sure if I need to reset the alarm because of disconnecting the battery, and if so, how do I do this.
I also note that when I put the key into the ignition the Central Locking Motor/Pump starts up - not sure if this is down to the fact that the this unit has water in it, causing a short and hence causing the drain on the battery (there is a burning smell from this unit when I look at it).
Any help greatly appreciated.
AnswerNo, you seem to have electric system troubles.
The Burnt box is a giveaway there.
It will affect how
all systems run in the Golf.
My advice?
Take it in to Vdub for diagnostic and possible
replacement of parts/repair, as the troubles you
are having are all related to the circuit burnt.
Sorry, no quicky fix on a VW. Have them look
at the computer for circuit damage as well.
A vehicle diagnostic at VW would tell the whole
story and save you alot of poking &
guessing time.
Good luck with it.