Car Alarms: Remote start, nissan altima, correct signal
Questionit is a 1994 and it doesn't do anything at all
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I have a 5speed Nissan Altima with the Python 671xp alarm with the added Viper 789v two way lcd remote, and i have a Valet 516R remote start add on but i can't get it to start my vehicle. can you help me out?
Is it turning the vehicle over? What year is the car?
AnswerAre you getting any clicking or trying of the add on starter? If not I would say your alarm is not sending the correct signal to the add on starter. The easiest thing here is to take the add on starter input wire to source (meaning if the input wire is supposed to have a positive signal to start take it to power and see if it will work if it requires a negative signal take it to ground to see if it will work leaving the alarm out of the picture at the moment. If still nothing we need to start at the add on starter. I will do a little research on that model as I am not familiar with it and you do as i said and let me know what happens. It will tell you in the install manual what signal the wire needs to activate the remote start.