Car Alarms: disconnecting car alarms, jeep grand cherokee, grand cherokee

my mom has a 1993 jeep grand Cherokee and it died on her. everytime she tries to jump it,the security alarm comes on. i was just wondering how we would disconnect that so we can jump start it?

Unlock the driver's door with a key when it goes off.

First you do not list if it is an after market alarm you are having problems with, second I am sorry you do not understand this response as your feedback shows.  

To break it down for you to comprehend the response, your 1993 Jeep, if equipped with a factory alarm can be disarmed by unlocking the driver's door with a key.  It can not be permanently disabled.  If you do not understand the response previously posted it would be appreciated to explain your concerns prior to posting a one for knowledge on the subject.  If your car battery is dead and when trying to jump start the vehicle the alarm goes off, unlocking the driver's door with a key will disarm the factory installed alarm.  

Merry Christmas