Car Alarms: ProStart car starter, 1996 chevrolet cavalier, chevrolet cavalier

When button #2 pushed, car starts for a second and dies. Does that 3 times.

1996 Chevrolet Cavalier Automatic
CT 3200 Prostart Auto starter

6 pin harness
1 - red(+12V) - to red in ign. switch harness
2 - Purple 30amp starter output - to yellow in ign. switch harness
3 - Red(+12V) - to red in ign. switch harness
4 - Yellow 30amp ign. output - to pink in ign. switch harness
5 - Orange 30amp accessories - to orange in ign.switch harness
6 - Green 30amp 5th relay output - to white in ign. switch harness

5 pin harness
1 - black (-) chassis ground - bolted to ground cable/frame
2 - Purple tach input - to injector - scotch lock
3 - grey - to hood switch
4 - orange, brake switch input - to white on brake switch
5 - yellow, parking light output - to brown park wire

12 pin accessory harness - did not install

wiring diagrams found here:

I am going to solder at ECM for the tach I think. Coil wire is a bitch to get at.

Did you address the passlock I system
in the ignition column? If not,
go back in and complete the job.
Can not. will not start until you bypass
the PASS I.

See passlock I info on page 2 at

Finish it up.