Car Alarms: Auto Remote Start Systems, ase certified, compustar

  I'm an ASE certified tech that usually removes aftermarket security systems that are either installed incorrectly or have failed to funtion.  Now the shoe is on the other foot.  I have a family member who wants me to install a remote starter on his car.  It is a 1998 Honda Civic DX, 5-speed, without keyless or immobilizer.  He's not interested in security, merely remote start.  The Big Question:  Who makes the most consistently reliable product for this application?  I will install it CORRECTLY (ie: soldered and heat-shrinked connections), but I don't want to be removing a failed unit for quite some time.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

The biggest reason units fail is purely from a poor installation.  I installed units over 10 years ago that still operate 100% today (even with the car falling apart around it).  In my opinion solder is the only way to connect a wire for remote start, others may disagree, but that is the only option for me.

Now to your question.  There are a lot of companies out there, and to be fair most of them are fine even if they are lower end.  Your biggest concern should be whether or not the unit is specifically designed for a manual transmission the second should be whether the company will warranty a self install job.  

With that being said, I know that Scytek, Omega, Compustar and a few others make manual transmission starters.  Scytek will warranty a do it yourself job, I do not know for sure about the others.  DEI (Viper, Sidewinder, Avital, Valet, etc.) neither manufactures a manual transmission starter (for the U.S. market anyway) nor will they warranty it if it is not installed by a dealer.

That car is very straight forward, nice easy job.