Car Alarms: cobra 7928, vw passat tdi, cobra 7928
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i put a new set of lights into my vw tdi passat and the alarm wont stop sounding,i am unable to get the car going,i was thinking there must be a way of stoping the alarm or will i have to take the thing out?i was told to join the 2 green wires to bypass the immo can you help me anyway thanks
Without the year of the car, I would not be able to tell you what the color of the starter wire is. This is probably the wire they are telling you to hook back together. If you are going to pull the dash down to get to this wire, I would suggest just pulling the fuses to the security system while you are under there. can you tell me what the vallet thing is i have the dash pulled half out i can see most of the alarm wires and the 2 i joined now lets me turn the engine over but car still wont start?is there a way to stop the alarm sounding mate?its a 1999 vw passat tdi.thanks for your help.
AnswerFind the fuses that supply the brain of the alarm, pull them. If the car starts you are good to go, but if it does not you will have to trace the wires from the brain back to where they cut the factory wiring to install the alarm and put those wires back together as well.
Valet mode is an over ride offered by all of the alarms I have ever put in, but may not be offered by all ever made, I have never installed a Cobra brand alarm (I did not know they made more than CB's and Radar Detectors). Typically there will be either a small push button or toggle switch mounted some where out of site in the vehicle, typically on the driver's side. Once the ignition wire has voltage and you flip this switch it will disable the security functions of the alarm.