I just purchased this vehicle, and it has no after market auto start, or alarm system. However the factory security system keeps going off. I will use it for a few days, and then go out and try to start it, and it starts honking. Everytime you open/close a door, turn the ignition, put it in gear, or open the hood! I have done everything the manual says to do to reset the system, but with no luck! I have to disconnect the battery for 30-60 minutes and then it all works fine for a few more days! Any advise would be awesome! Thanks!
AnswerOk, sounds like it needs to be either reset
or disabled/ I vote for disabled.
Then get a decent aftermarket system
to more then replace it. (
The PURPLE/YELLOW factory disarm wire
is in the harness to the drivers
door, inside the drivers kick, in a
black plug. Locate this wire splice
into it with the same guage wire,
then ground it to a solid chassis point.
This takes out the factory alarm for however
long you keep this wire grounded.
It is the only way I know of to get around
the factory alarm system in this truck.
If it's an aftermarket system,
then that's another story.
Let me know what happens.