Car Alarms: can your car alarm weaken your car battery, crimestopper alarm, car battery

Hope you can help 2003 I had a crimestopper alarm installed in my 2000 Neon...however soon after I would have trouble starting my car..can an alarm weaken your car battery?..I did take it back to where I purchased it and he told me if that was the case he would be out of business..he did unhook the alarm and told me to see if I still have trouble..I brought a new car battery however never went back to have him hook alarm back my question is could the car alarm weaken my car battery?

A car alarm should only weaken your battery if the installation was faulty.  As he stated, why would anyone want one if they did kill the battery.  I would have to think your battery was indeed on it's way out and coincidentally went out after the alarm installation.