Car Alarms: viper remote, exact model number, viper alarm

have a viper alarm w/remote starter. lost 1 remote the other day dog ate 2nd remote. my friend said i could have 1 of his remotes if i could get it to work. is there a way to reprogram the remote to my alarm? its the same alarm dont know module # but about 5 yrs old.

To program a new remote to most DEI units:

Turn the ignition switch on
Press the valet switch, release, press and hold the switch, hit button one on the transmitter, release valet switch.  If the remote will work with that system you should be done.  I would recommend finding the exact model number of the system to get yourself an owner's manual for it.  Once you have the model number, if you can not find the manual on the web let me know and I will see what I can do.
