Car Alarms: 1997 Honda Civic LX Factory Keyless Entry, honda civic lx, genuine honda

My Civic did not come from the factory with keyless entry but factory keyless entry can be added by using the factory radio. I did this & it seemed to work flawlessly but overnight the car would lock & unlock itself all night long. I called the place that sold me the unit & they said it was my car that was the problem. Thoughts on what it could be? I used Genuine Honda keyless entry that was correct for model & year.



   But if it was designed to operate in this car,
then the startement; "it was my car that was the problem"
Makes no sense. That's BS!
But if that's the case. give it back, take that money,
and get an aftermarket piece that will interface well.

If you have power locks in the car now, I'd suggest
a good duluxe keyless entry.

1 hour install, and has significantly longer
range too.

Let me know if I can get one out to you.
44.00 + shipping.

See the ASTRA 50 at

Much better solution.