Car Alarms: Alarm Issues, fcc id number, inline fuse

I am having trouble with a 97 Mitsi Lancer that I recently picked up for my wife. It came with an alarm installed, so I am unsure of the brand sorry. Basically it becomes unresponsive (intermittent), either when it is armed or not. At first I figured it was the batteries in the remote, so I replaced those, but I am still having the same problem, and now when driving it will unarm - which doesn't seem to be related to indicating/braking etc. I have pulled the brain box out, but can't find any distinguishing brands, and there doesn't appear to be any burnt resistors or fuses. Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

The trouble here for me is I am not
onsite to inspect it. But if an alarm
is disarming itself while the ignition is on,
then the alarm is not reading an ignition sense
wire it's supposed to be attatched to.

1. it's not connected to the right wire, or
is misconnected, and needs to be repaired,
maybe an inline fuse is blown on the ignition
sense wire. Check this out.

If found to be the culprit, repair and try again.

But it's all speculation without inspection first

My second thought is the alarm may be on it's last
legs and will need to be repaired and or replaced
with something more reliable ASAP.

If you want to keep this one, try to locate
the manufacturer by the fcc ID number on the
back of your remote. Once you get the number,
go to  and try to
track down the maker. See if they can
assist with this issue for you.

If however you are tired of dealing
with an alarm you don't trust to work from
one day to the next, I will be happy
to get you situated with one that does what's
expected, and will actually protect your vehicle

Let me know what you find.