Car Alarms: 98 an 00 civic remote start wiring, starter wire, remote start
QuestionI am in the process of installing a car alarm/remote start system on a 98 and 00 civc. The 98 civic has an old alarm/remote start system on it. I am having issues with the remote start not working anymore. It slowly started going out. At first it would start all the time but not anymore. Now when you press it you see everything light up but the starter does not turn over it just clicks. So i am going to remove it and install a new system. A buddy installed the last system and he did a terrible job on the wiring. So I have my work cut out for me. Any info about installing on these year civics will be very helpful and websites to for info. Also is the issue withe the remote start fixable or Is something damaged?
Thank for all your help
AnswerIf the old remote start is causing the starter to just click then I would look at the installation, not the remote start. The 'click' you describe could also be from the vehicle's battery going bad. Remote starts monitor the vehicle when starting, if they see the voltage drop below a certain value while attempting to start they will shut themselves down. If there is a bad connection to the starter wire then the system may be seeing a larger than what it is supposed to be drain while it is trying to start and shutting itself off.
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