Car Alarms: 1998 Chevy Tahoe Alarm System, gm passlock, chevy tahoe

I understand that the Tahoe LS has an OEm alarm system. Recently I have been having problems with my fuel system. I have had the fuel pump replaced but continue to have problems. The battery is fine. The engine will turn rapidly but won't start. If I place a battery charger or have someone jump start the truck it will start easily. Some where in the tech manual it mentions having a voltage sensor that is part of the alarm system. Not sure if this is an alarm issue or just a bad wire connection.

No not an alarm problem, but could be a malfunctioning PASSLOCK system. (

It sounds like the passlock
has been put into long tamper mode,
the vehicle thinks someone is trying
to start the car with
the incorrect key.

If you are having this issue, the first step is
to tow it to GM and have them reset the VATS/PASSLOCK II system.

Once done, the key and the GM Passlock will
match up and allow for the truck to start.

Sorry for the bad news, but if it's simply
resetting it, then it's not as expensive by
far then the other alternatives.

Let me know what you find out.