Thank you very much for the reply, but let me elaborate a little on my problem. The thing is, when the alarm goes off (it is the factory one), I do remotely unlock it and relock it. The thing is, the car will be fine for a few hours before the alarm randomly goes off again. If I am at home and I hear it, I will remotely unlock then relock the car. If I'm not, eventually the alarm will stop.
However, it keeps happening. Sometimes its at closer intervals - every 20 or 30 minutes. Other times, it is spread out over a few hours. I don't usually hear it at night, so I wondered about it being too sensitive to people walking by during the daytime.
I hate to bother my neighbors (especially if I'm not home to shut the alarm off when it goes haywire) and its a bit of a hassle. Do you have any clue as to whats going on?
Thanks again!
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Hi, I own a 96 Nissan Maxima and recently (within the past month or so), the car alarm has kept going off for no apparent reason. I originally thought the system was simply too sensitive to people walking by in the apartment complex. I know it goes off around 3pm to 8pm or so, because I'm actually at home during those hours, but it usually stops around night time.
Also, a few weeks back my battery was drained and I suspect this may the reason why it happened (when the alarm goes off, the car lights turn on as well). Is there a way to turn off the alarm system and just lock the doors on this car model? Do you know whats wrong with it?
Is this the factory alarm? (horn & headlights) or,
an after market alarm with siren and parking lights?
If it's the OEM factory system it disarms automatically
when the doors are remotely unlocked. No fix there really.
If it's an aftermarket piece, there will be a valet
overide button hidden under the dash area perhaps, and
would be able to be overiden by putting the key in the ignition,
and turning forward all the way just
before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, locate, pressing and holding in the
valet/overide button, found under the
dash area, (push button, spring loaded)
until the installed LED (the blinking light)
in your dash area goes on solid,
and the siren chirps once.
(Your valet switch might be the toggle
(on/off) type. in this case, key on,
flip switch in opposite direction,
then turn the key off.)
This should reset the alarm. However, be
advised that this might not apply. The one
thing for sure is there is a factory alarm
in it. If you do not use a remote to lock
and unlock now, you might need to get one installed
so it also automatically disarms the factory alarm
when unlocking.
Let me know what you discover.
AnswerHmmm, odd. You are saying it is sensetive to
impact? And It's the car's horn, and headlights
that are flashing?
This is news to me. I don't ever remember seeing a
factory alarm that had a sensor the used vibration
to set it off. They usually are door monitoring
only systems, that also control the keyless entry.
almost all aftermarket systems do use
shock/impact sensors as a standard.
But ok, first locate the alarm under
the dash. Then Unplug it from the harness
it' connected to. Then check to see if
the trouble persists. To locate this
alarm and it's OEM equipment, reffer to a
Chillton manual. I do not have that info.
Another thing to do if this option does
not work for you is to check everywhere in the
vehicle you have a light. Make sure all turn off
and on when the doors open and close. If you
find one that is burnt out, replace it and then
monitor the results.
Many alarms will detect a broken
circuit, or a light left on all the time.
It is current sensing, and doing it's job if
it sees either. This is the easier solution
if this is the trouble, easy to fix.
If not, then it is malfunctioning and you should
hire Nissan to repair/replace it since they
have what you need in stock.
Short of that, I standby the last email
as the other way to solve this one.
Tell me what you find out, or
decide what to do.