QuestionMy mother has a 1989 (or so) Toyota Corolla, into which she had installed a Chapman security system at the time of purchase. It's the type with the under-dash, round key. She's recently experienced an intermittent inability to start the car. Her mechanic has ruled out starter, solenoid, etc - all the obvious components. I can find no info on this vintage Chapman immobilization system to give to her mechanic for further investigation. Any ideas...?
AnswerUnfortunately at this point, my best suggestion
is to reverse engineer the system to remove
it, and to get something new, with remotes and
a good warranty. Start with getting the wiring chart
at, the remove the Chapman system,
and restore the wiring back to pre install
After that, then consider the new piece as this car is realatively easy to steal.
Good lcuk with it.