Car Alarms: 2001 Subaru outback H6 Reset Alarm?, subaru outback, outback h6

My 2001 subaru outback's battery died, I recharged it and have full juice, all the electricals work, but when I try to start the engine it won't ignite. the starter is turning the engin over but the Alarm system I guess won't let me start the car. NO SPARK!  The Alarm LED light on the dash blinks twice. I can't find what to do in the manual.  I've read other post I think from you about a hidden switch under the dash to reset the alarm system. I could not find that switch. can you decribe where and what it looks like. And maybe even the procedure Or if there is another process I can try.
Outback 2001
H-6 Engine type
Thanks Paul

You do not mention if this is the US version or not, the only information I have is for the US versions of this vehicle.  I believe your problem is not with the alarm system.  The sheets I have say that on the 2001 Outback the factory alarm can only be armed and disarmed via the factory remote control.  

The switch to which you are referring is a valet switch, and these are typically only associated with aftermarket alarms.  If it was an aftermarket alarm the starter would not engage while the alarm was activated (trusting starter kill was installed).  

I would try disconnecting the battery for 10 minutes to let all of the vehicle's modules reset then attempt to start it again.  You mention charging the battery, and I have seen modules lock up when being jump started so I would try that.