Car Alarms: car alarm, brain box, steering column
QuestionI have a '79 Olds with an old alarm. I do not remember the brand of it. The alarm stopped working years ago. It would turn itself on or off at random. The remote also stopped working, so it could only be armed or turned off by using the button inside the glove box. The button in the glove box stopped working and the alartm would just sound and sound. I looked for the unit - I know it is somewhere inside the dash - I believe on the passenger side...couldn't find it. Probably because I don't know what to look for. I disconnected the horn part of the alarm from the battery do that it wouldn't sound all the time. I noticed that the little red LED inside the vehicle still blinked on and off as if the alarm was still connected. After a while, the light stopped blinking (months)- I figured the thing had finally died. It did not dawn on me until recently that wherever the unit got its power from might be the reason my battery won't hold a charge. (DUH) I have replaced the battery several times, and it always goes dead. I place it on a charger and then it works for a bit. If I don't drive it all the time, the battery runs down and the car won't start. I'd like to know how to take the thing out. Any suggestions?
The alarm is most likely installed up under the
steering column area. And I'd suggest removing it from
it's power supply to start with. Locate the brain box
and unplug it. This should stop the problems you are
having. Then if interested in re installing one
that works, and that you will understand it's capabilities
from the start, go to my site at
and have a read through on the method and application
of these products. May help.
Good hunting.