Car Alarms: Passlock II disabling, passlock ii, remote starter

I have a 2001 Malibu that the theft system keeps coming on intermittently when we go to start it. I was reading how you can disable it for installing a remote starter, and wondered if that procedure would work to just disable it. We had the ignition replaced a few years ago by GM. Stopped it for a while. Thanks, John

The bypasses are for the "momentary" application
of remote start. They can be grounded all the time,
but not, but it is not advised. since passlock ll (yours)
controls the security and the ignition properties in the computer,
keeping it grounded out, solves one problem,
but would eventually cause another.

They only other idea for you is to have GM reset the
code system on the VATTS (passlock II)
system so that it eliminates the false
sensor/trigger. This is what you
are experiencing. Restting it would be the
idea situation.

I wish I could offer an easier/cheaper way around it,
but it was designed to be difficult to circumvent.

Good luck with it.