QuestionI want to install a car starter in my 2004 santafa. I have installed a few b4. I have found that getting to the wires is the most difficult part. How do I take the console apart in this car.
can you help ?
AnswerI sell the wiring charts for these projects at
Have a read through at .
It will come in handy, and grab a drill with
a phillips head tip, and a 10mm ratchet out
to take down the under dash panels and knee barrier.
From there on in, the wiring notes I sell will point
out the locations, polarities and colors to interface.
I do not however give an involved level of support
on other peoples equipment sales for free.
Just general alarm system questions.
For thorough support like I provide to my own customers,
Go to your seller for that. If buying here, I have
no trouble at all assisting in your project from start
to finish.
Good luck with it if we don't speak again. Not
too difficult of an install here.