Car Alarms: Car Alarms, jeep grand cherokee, car alarms

I have a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee V8.  It has a Viper alarm with a 2 button remote.  It recently began sputtering and eventually went dead (all within the same drive).  Will turn over but won't start.  I took it to a shop who checked out everything including relays and switches.  They said it was the alarm.  I tried the alarm "valet" setting,  that did not work.  I  called a local installer that said the Viper alarm disabled the starter and if it was turning over, it wasn't the alarm.I don't know the model of the alarm but I know it is at least 3 year old.  Any info. would help.

The alarm is crap. Let's get that out of the way
right now.
I'd replace that first. But in his defense,
the installer is right when he said that it's
not the alarm. Starter kill is a relay. When
the alarm is set (locked), it would seperate
the 2 starter wire ends completely. If it was
the alarm, it would NOT be unable to crank at all.
Nothing at all would happen when you turned the
ignition key.

Have the installer disable the factory alarm.
Then try it. It may be simply that the factory alarm
is engaged. If not that, then you need to get a mechanic
to look over the other possibilities. But for
sure, replace the current alarm. It's bound
to become trouble down the road.

Good luck with it.