Car Alarms: Horn Chirp Micro DLR4HD, keyless entry system, chirp

I have just installed a Micro DLR4HD keyless entry system on my car. The horn pulse is .5 seconds when entering and exiting. This is way Too long for a horn chirp! It sound like someone is leaning on the horn everytime I get into or lock my car. Is there a way to reduce the pulse time? Maybe connect another type of horn that puts out a different chirp? Thanks.


No unfortunately, that is the default
behavior for this system. I have already spoken
with the engineers at Micro about this and
they say the change will come out in the next
series. They are aware.

The only other thing I can suggest is put
in an aftermarket pizzo siren to drom the
amperage input. That would also make it
unique as well.

But the first answer at the moment is correct.
Not alot you can do to change the duration
of the pulse.