Car Alarms: false alarm--why???, 2000 ford windstar, ford windstar

The factory installed alarm on our 2000 Ford Windstar goes off (sounds horn) for no apparent reason. It seems to be happening when the sun heats up the interior while the doors & windows are shut and the vehicle is locked with the alarm automatically on. What might be wrong?

The alarm goes off when we use the remote to unlock it, but we don't want to leave it unlocked. We also don't want our alarm to be bothering our neighbors!

In case it might be related, we have also been having problems with the power locks and have to manually push down the lock buttons on the front doors. Those buttons also will not come up when we unlock the vehicle using the remote.


In this vehicle is something called an FEM
(front electronics module) that controls the locks/windows, and the factory alarm. From the sounds of it, yours is fading. Could be fatigue, could be simply malfunctioning in the heat. Trouble is, you need to take it to a technician
to have the FEM repaired/replaced. This can be pricey.

I controls all of the issues you seem to be experiencing though. You can add an aftermarket alarm/keyless system that would eleviate the issue entirely, giving you a
new control system and replacing Fords, but short of
that, you can patch/fix the issue in the windstar by
grounding the factory disarm wire permanantly. It will
stop the alarm part for good, but WILL NOT repair the
door locks and other devices that are tied into the FEM.

This is not the best way to approach this particular issue.
Not certain what Ford will charge to repair or replace the FEM, but I am willing to bet it will be alot more money
then getting an aftermarket alarm in there to use instead
of the factory one. Let it control the locks, and permanantly disable the factory system altogether.

Let me know what you decide, and if need be,
I can outfit you with
an alarm that will do a good job here.

Good luck.