Questionto answer your (Alarmtek's) question:
The alarm is a Toyota VIP RS3000 system "designed specifically for your Toyota vehicle." (By the way, I have passive arming OFF.) When I arm and disarm the system using the remote, the piezo chirper will sometimes chirp and sometimes not chirp, seemingly randomly.
I have not turned on the "Piezo (chirper) defeat mode," as the manual calls it. But the alarm seems to, as you said, "slip in and out of silent mode on its own." But WHY? And what can I do about it?
Followup To
Question -
I just got the car, a 1998 Toyota Camry, but it belonged to my mother, and I know the problem has gone on for several years. The alarm, which was installed a few weeks after she bought the car new, will give the beep signals (one beep for "alarm on" and two beeps for "alarm off") only about one-third of the time. The lights flash appropriately, and the alarm itself does work -- that is, if I set the alarm, and then open a car door, the horn honks until I push the remote button to turn it off. Yes, I have read the manual, and I understand that if the alarm did not beep at all, then that would mean that it had been programmed not to beep. But why would it give my the beep feedback only intermittently?
PS (I didn't see where it said Yes/No about posting the question, but it's ok to post it.)
Answer -
The trouble could be anything from a bad connector,
to it slips in and out of silent mode on it's own.
It's a pain in the butt yes, but may have
a simple solution.
What alarm is this? I may have more on what we can do
to fix the situation.
AnswerI wish I had an answer for you on this one,
But this is the first I have ever heard of this
system. If I was there to inspect it perhaps,
but if it was put in in 98, it is possible that
a connector is bad, or the pizzo is going bad.
Have you talked to Toyota about it? I would give
that try first. If they can offer a fast fix here,
then I say great. If not, then it's got to
be inspected by your local stereo shop.
Unfortunately, I can't inspect it from here.
Wish I could, because it sounds like an aftermarket
alarm the dealer put in, and called it the Toyota rs3000.
(RS Designation usually means remote start, which
would deffinately be aftermarket)
Make certain you explain the trouble and bring
the manual you have as well. Might be a simple
replacement of the siren, might be more.
Good luck with it.