Questionmy 89 nissan stanza has these symtoms car runs fine then when I turn it off dash lights come back on about 1 full second after the off position
car will restart.But if I turn it off &the dash lights do not come back on car will crank but is getting no fire,then I get out yank a battery cable for a second or two put it back on car starts at this point but start like its flooded i.e. have to floor it to get it to start then feather trottle until it clears then it runs fine dont know what alarm make is but the center console 3 positin switch has impact off,off,alarm on, for choices , any ideas?
I've replaced every relay I can find in the car& the ignition switch no change in condition.
AnswerYou need a mechanic for this one. Short of
replacing the battery terminals/cables for
new ones, it sounds like you have other issues
here that I don't know about. This is not an
issue with the alarm from the sounds of it,
but if you want to discount the alarm, pull
it out, unplug all harnesses to it,
and reattatch the starter wire to pre install
condition, but again, it's more likely you have
something wrong with engine, or the alternator.
I'd start there.
Good luck with it.