Car Alarms: Remote keyless/start installation, keyless entry system, keyless start

Will the Galaxy 5000RSW @$89 work as well as the others that you suggested?  I don't think that I need an LCD remote(s), or is there some other eason why you didin't suggest this one.


The key that I got was black and well worn(high miles).  I requested that the dealer cut me an additonal key which is also black.

There's no resident alarm system in the vehicle as confirmed by the option summary report from the dealer.  There is a 2 prong, white plug, tethered to the radio bundle which didn't have a connector in the am/fm/cass that I pulled out of the dash, but would fit into the am/fm/cd/cass that I installed which has the matching female connector in it.  I thought that this might be some sort of anti-theft jumper, but I didn't plug it in since it wasn't used in the original unit.




I want to try keyless entry for sure.  I would like to also install remote-start if doesn't expand the installation dramatically.  Thats it.  Is there alot of wiring/installation to be done in the "dash managerie"?  I've been into them before and its not a pleasant area to work in.

Thanks again,


Followup To
Question -
Followup To
Question - O.K.  I may be getting way too ambitious.  Can I easily install a keyless entry system which is all that my wife really wants, and maybe add or include remote-start (my own preference)easily and economically?  My preference is to complete the whole installation at the kick panel if possible, and equally importantly NOT jeopardize any of the existing electronics in the van.  I'm pretty good at wiring, and can read simple circuit diagrams, but have no desire to be cutting, drilling and running wries all over the vehicle. Can you guide me here? (please include a hyperlink to a description of the best item)  Also, please give me the TOTAL cost of a complete system including the main package and all of the extra modules and relays required, etc.

Again, I appreciate your patience and help here.  Dave


I just bought a 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan with power locks, but no keyless entry system (no RKE code in options readout).  Will the Micro Alarms C2003 install easily in the van (can I do it)?  Do I need to purchase any extra relay/modules to use the all of the package's features?  Do you have a step-by-step installation procedure for installing this unit in my vehicle (I would feel much better about doing it myself)?  If this isn't the one I need, which unit should I consider?  Thanks.  Dave
Answer -
I just bought a 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan with power locks, but no keyless entry system (no RKE code in options readout). Will the Micro Alarms C2003 install easily in the van (can I do it)?<<<You can install this yourself with my notes, no prob there. But this is not the easiest vehicle for a novice to try by himself. I suggest you have a look at my caravan tutourial at to see if you want to tackle it yourself.

Do I need to purchase any extra relay/modules to use the all of the package's features? <<<Yes, you will need a single wire door lock inverter module (19.95) which
atuomatically sets the resistors on any single wire door lock system, and 2 extra relays.

Do you have a step-by-step installation procedure for installing this unit in my vehicle (I would feel much better about doing it myself)? If this isn't the one I need, which unit should I consider? Thanks. Dave

<<<<I provide all of the notes and virtual expertise online
when you purchase here. no problem. But I need you to
be able to follow instructions well so we get it done correctly. I am very thorough, but patient.

to tell you the truth, a better choice here in my experience is the ASTRA/GALAXY 4000 or 5000 systems
(1 LCD REMOTE-1 STANDARD=4000 2 WAY---2 LCD REMOTES=5000RSW2 2WAY see at
Easy to work with, has tachless smart sensing
which is nice on this particular project, and
2 way paging with considerably longer range then
the 2003c. A fine piece in it's own right, but
not what I would chose for your van if it were me.
This system is better in a Japanese car more than the Caravan.

I am happy to assist either way of course, but from
a novice's point of view,I would think this should
only be done once, and instead of upgrading later,
get what you need the first time out.

Let me know system you'd like to put together, and the desired features that are important for you, and I will create a paylink for the whole project in one box,
including relays, modules etc....

Answer -
Lol, in a perfect world this would be great,
but no, that will not be an option in the Caravan.
Not everything is in the kick panel.
Most everything is under the dash area.
(power ignition starter etc...)

Please narrow down what it is exactly that you want here.
You went from installing a remote start/keyless entry
and alarm, to just keyless entry. I would like
to get you exactly what's needed. Please
let me know what you are wanting to try, and I'll make
you a link for it all.

Answer -
Sorry, hit the wrong response link.

Not so bad as you might think for the extra wiring,
but yes this is a standard installation.
And I will supply the notes to get it done.

Remote start and keyless entry is fine.
Tell me one more thing, is the ignition key
gray or black? (makes a difference equipment wise)

Answer -
Ok, then this is how I see it:

Either the Micro 2003c (89.95)
or, the Galaxy 4000 rsw 2 way (149.95)
or 5000 resw 2 2way piece. (159.95)

1 single wire door lock module (19.95)
1 relay and socket for inverting the
(-) parking light wire for flashng lights. (free with purchase)

and of course the notes to install it.

Which one suits you?

That will work fine. The 5000rsw is lesee
range then it's bigger brother the 2 2way system,
but everything else would be the same.

The reason I like the 2 way aspect is that I want to know
what the status of the vehicle is, and if in a building,
I want to be notified.

The range on the 5000rsw at 1000 feet should do the trick.
and if overall range and status are not an issue, then
the 5000rsw or the Micro 2003 will be just fine on this one.

Could we please take this conversation to either email @ [email protected] or the phone (813) 995-0700 as
this site is for helping people out of jams when it comes
to they're exsisting alarm system, and is not the best
place for selling car alarms.

