Car Alarms: door trigger pwr. lock, transponder immobilizer, passlock 2

hi guys  i have hard time find door trigger wires  on 03 avalanche ,I,ve heard that  theres a
bypass module  to  use  only  one door  trigger instead  of  wiring  all 4 wires.w passlock 2 for remote  starter  and  power locks  w/o open door covers  all help  will be  apreciate  in advance. thanks

There is such a module. It's called the
GMDL-BP and it covers the following:

Data Bus Doorlock Alarm & GM Passkey/Passlock Interface- Lock/Unlock, Driver's Priority Unlock, Trunk/Hatch, OEM Security Arm/Disarm, Door trigger Output (-) & Override the 2nd /3rd generation GM Passkey3 Transponder Immobilizer & Passlock 2 Immobilizer via data bus. NKR-No Key Required.

Formerly 6 separate kits required
to do what the GMDL-BP can do with one.

Not cheap, and it is a special order item,
but available for 63.50. If you want
one, copy cut n paste the link below,¤cy_code=USD

or, send me an email at [email protected]
with the request, and I will send back a link for it.

Have a good evening.