Car Alarms: viper car alarm, viper alarm system, viper systems

The battery on our 1992 Camry died-don't know if it was alarm related, but the battery was only 18 months old.  Jumped the car and got it started, but as soon as he put the car in reverse it died.  Jumped the car again and it did the same thing.  I suspect the failure of the car to run in gear may be related to the viper alarm system which was installed after purchase.  Any suggestions for us?  We flipped the toggle switch but that did not make any difference.  Thanks for any help you can give us.  We have purchased two used cars with viper systems from owners who turned over all service records and receipts.  It's strange that they did not have list of directions for the alarm.  Do you know if Viper gives these out?

Nope not the alarm. If it was armed, you could not have started the car.
I am betting on an alternator of
battery related failure.
Doubt it was the alarm though.
These only draw .5 miliwatts,
and once the key is on, the alarm is disengaged.
So putting it in reverse, and it dying, would not
be related to the alarm.
Again, this tells me you have power issues that are
not necessarily related to the alarm.

Have a mechanic go over the electrical system prior
to taking the car into the Viper shop. Save some
time. You can go to Vipers site at
and see if you can get some assistance, but I have
a feeling it's what I said it was.

Let me know what you find out.