Car Alarms: Viper Car Alarm, holden vt commodore, feature menus

I have recently purchased a Holden VT Commodore with a Viper 300ESP Alarm system on it.
When the car is started the doors lock automatically within a few seconds and remain locked until the engine is turned off again. I would like to turn this feature to off as it has already locked me out of the car once.
I have the original 'owner's guide' for the alarm but it has no details on programming the alarm at all.
I have found manuals for other Viper Alarm models and looked at the Feature Menus and their respective feature numbers but still dont know if the 'ignition controlled door lock' feature is the same on my model.
I'd like to know which feature number it really is before I begin to use the valet switch and try changing things around. Is it possible to get a Feature Menu for the 300ESP model and some programming details to allow me to change things on it?
Thankyou and hope you can be of help

Hi Ben,
  I do appologize, but I do not sell or install
the Viper series alarms. I can tell you that the
terminology is a bit different from manufacturer
to manufacturer. In this case, "ignition lock/unlock"
refers to the action of turning on your ignition key,
then the doors would lock, and when you turn off the
key, it would unlock the doors. If this happens
currently, that's a good thing. What you are
tying to do is to take it from passive (last door arming)
mode, to active (must press the button to lock/unlock/arm/disarm.

Some alarms can be programmed
to do this using the valet switch under the dash area,
along with the key, to step through programming.
Others use an internal bridge to go from passive to
active. There in lies our delema.
I don't have the 300 ESP info to confirm
the procedure, but I would bet my
visiting tech at my forum site can assist you.

Go to  and look up RAUL. (I think)
He's the helpfull sort, and is very knowledgable on
the VIPER/HORNET/PYTHON subject. He can and most likely
will be able to send you the PDF file for the
300 esp instructions you need.

Have a great new year,
and I hope this helps some.

Robert Martin