QuestionI have an alpine 8030b alarm along with 8341 window module and the 8327 impact sensor, I also have the 751navigation system i want to install in my 94 z28 camaro. I have the alpine cva1005 already installed in this car i just need the instructions for the alarm and navigation hook-up since i bought these items online. Please help.
AnswerI am sorry, but for install support on your project,
please contact the seller you bought it from for assistance
on THEY'RE equipment. It is they're responsiblity
to assist you in this if you spent your money there.
As a rule, I do not supply support on other companies
equipment sales. Especially for Ebay liquidators.
I understand they probably left you hanging,
but you get what you pay for in this business.
Most of these liquidators buy in bulk,
then dump it on the public with no backend support
what so ever, and then people come to me
to "help them out". I stopped that practice along time ago.
I do understand your problem & it is a common situation.
But unfortunately, the level of support you are asking
me for is reserved for my online store,
equipment buying customers only.
Maybe next time, you will shop here instead?
Well, until then, my free resource pages at or, & may be of some help
for your installation.
Good luck with this project.