Car Alarms: Alarm for 1984 Jeep CJ7, high tech gadgets, jeep cj7

I am interested in an alarm for my Jeep.  I think I only need proximity or a movement sensor.  I would also like some type of beeper or receiver that alerts me when the alarm goes off.  I do not need keyless entry or any of the other high tech gadgets.  Do you have any suggestions?

Yes sir. I have just the thing.
Have a look at the ASTRA 777 2 way paging alarm
and a 2 stage motion sensor.
This will be an ideal match up
for the Wrangler. If you like what
you see at ,
send me an email to: [email protected]
and I will send you a paylink for everything
you will need. I will also supply the wiring
chart for the Jeep to get it done right.

Have a good evening.