Car Alarms: Viper 690XV Shock Sensor adjustment, shock sensors, shock sensor

I have the Viper DEI 690XV alarm (without remote start) and it has 2 shock sensors. The shock sensor seems too sensitive as my pager reports periodically the shock sensor activating. Sometimes my alarm will sound, other times it will not. Unfortunately I dont know by the pager unit displaying this message if my alarm is going off or not unless I go outside (I live in a condo). How hard is it to adjust the shock sensor so its a tiny bit less sensitive? Thank you.

Take a read in the manual on adjusting the shock using
the remote. If not available, locate the shock sensor (s)
and turn the set screws counter clockwise to turn down
the sensitivity , or, turn off the sensor completely.
Clock wise increases the sensor vibration detection

Good luck with it. I don't sell the
system, so it is an educated guess.