I have a 2004 Dodge pickup that got broken into a month ago or so. I had a Prestige alarm installed. I do not have electric locks so they installed motors in the doors also. Now I am getting false alarms 2 or 3 days a week in the early morning hours. The last 2 mornings it has gone off at 2:50 am. What could be causing this? I have looked out and have not seen anyone or anything around it so I am pretty sure they are false alarms. I am tired of disturbing the peace that early in the morning and also loosing sleep. What do you think the problem is? Please help.
AnswerThere are 2 reasons in the truck that this could be
happening. The first is that the door triggers,
(this truck has 2 to 4 seperate ones that must
be addressed correctly) and have not been
done in the proper manner or, that the shock/impact
sensor installed is set to high. A sensor that
is too sensetive, can false quite a bit with
anything from a car with a loud mufler, to the UPS
truck, to the Harley Davidson, or a cat on the hood.
This sensor looks for vibration to cause it to trigger,
if set too high.....well you see the point.
Take it to the guys who installed it, and have
them evaluate the performace. It can simply
be a matter turning the sensor down or off.
I hope it helps.