Car Alarms: Car immobiliser, car immobiliser, dash area


The remote control of my immobilier is broken, and my car is stranded. Not sure what make the immob. is, or even where the box is installed (was already there when I bought the car).

Is there any way 'secret' to override it without having to pay call-out charges for an expert to come and rescue my car?


I need more input Mark.
  Is this a remote car alarm with a starter kill
relay inline, or is it a device specifically
designed to do starter kill ONLY?

If it's the first option, and you have a push
button on a remote transmitter, try this:

Put the key in the ignition, and turn forward
all the way just before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, press and hold in the valet/overide
button, found under the dash area,
until the installed LED (the blinking light)
in your dash area comes on solid.
(Your valet switch might be the toggle (on/off) type.
in this case, key on, flip switch in
oposite direction, key off.)

This should be valet. This overides
the starter kill relay in the alarm harness,
and returns the car back to disarmed mode.

The only thing that will work now on your system,
is the keyless entry if installed.

Just Repeat these steps to rearm your system.

That should do it if it's and alarm/keyless system.

If however it's another device, then you would
need to locate the system under the dash area,
then remove it and restore the starter wiring
back to pre install conditions. Getting a
replacement "key" for it could be problematic
at best since these are done in "series",
and may now be unavaialble. Usually this means
it's a limited production system, and "code keys"
won't be available for sale years later.

Aftermarket alarms are easier to
get around, then immobiliser ONLY units.

Let me know what you think you have there,
and I can provide a mor informed opinion
on your situation.