Car Alarms: Door trigger of SUBARU, passenger doors, pin wire

Hi, I am working on '91Subaru Legacy?@S/W. I tried to conect the negative door trigger input on my car. My car has white/red or black wire for negative door trigger. But when I conect the input wire to my car's door trigger, driver's door trigger does not work. I know that trigger swich is working because I can turn on and off the Dome light by it. I am sure that driver's door trigger wire is different with other 3 passenger doors. It is like a trunk. How can I solve this problem? what color of wire should I find and where can I find that wire? Also, I am looking for trunk pin wire for my car. please teach me!!!  Thank you very very much.

You are in the wrong area. The wire is red with a white stripe,
and is in a connector above the brake pedal.
This wire detects all of the doors, including
the trumk/hatch.

For any further info on this car, You would
need to buy the wiring chart for it. or get support from the people
you bought the alarm from for help. My free
service only goes so far.

Good luck with it.