Followup To I didn't install a starter kill on it and i didn't have any relay's on this unit at all.But can't i use the voltage reading or do i need a tach wire and what will the tach wire do. Cause don't it have to start first to get a signal from the tach?And do I need a starter kill?
Question -
1997 gmc sierra.I removed a remote starter out of this pick-up because it failed.The one i removed had 5 relay's tied into it including the door lock relay's.I installed another brand and it don't even have a name on it.Anyway i istalled everything and when I hit the start button nothing happened.Now my question is did the 97 have any kind of security that would have to be bypassed.As far as i know there wasn't any that I am aware of but I could be wrong.The other thing that i was looking at was that it has two ignition wires. Now i read that some vehicles with 2 ignition wires uses them both to start and keep the vehicle running.The remote starter i put in has a 3rd ign wire. I didn't do anything with this one but someone was telling me that I have to wire the ign 2 wire from the vehicle to this ign 3 wire on the starter thru a relay. Does that make any sense or not.I've checked the rest of the wiring 3 times over and everything is in it's place as to where the manual tells me to hook them up except that ign 3 wire.And i don't understand why there was 5 relay's on the previous one if there is no security. The owner said that there was no security system in it. Hope you can shed some light. Thanks
One more thing I didn't install any relay's at all yet which i know I'll have to for the door locks and while playing around with this it drained the battery any thoughts ?
Answer -
Start over from scratch on this.
Remove the relays and re install those
as needed.
The remote starter may need a tach wire and a programing
procedure to even try remote starting, so look
that up in your manual. I don't have that info.
But you are correct in assuming there is no
OEM system.
I would start though by reoving the relays,. Especially starter kill on the starter wire if installed.
This can be an open circuit and drain the battery.
Let me know what you find
AnswerSorry, but I can't help with those questions.
I don't know the sytem you are attempting to
install. I suggest contacting whomever you bought
it from for support on the workins
and capabilities of the unit.
Know you don't NEED starter kill,
but you intimated that the system you
removed already had relays installed,
and that you left them in there.
My answer was intended to suggest that you need
to finish the removal of ALL the old
equipment, including whatever
relays were installed and then start over
with the manual from your new system to
install it right.
If you are draining the battery, an open circuit
or burnt relay could be why.